Trombones LA once again offers this free concert on December 10, 2023 to usher in your Christmas and holiday celebrations. We hope you’ll come and join us at:
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
6020 Radford Avenue
North Hollywood, CA 91606
This free concert starts at 7 p.m., but doors open at 6:30 p.m.
The yearly “Trombones LA” concert is the Hearts of Music Fund’s biggest and best fundraising effort of the year. Your generous donation supports musicians and their families facing extraordinary health care expenses in situations of illness or death. In fact, your financial gift brings holistic healing and hope in situations when other funding support is limited or unavailable. All gifts are tax-deductible.
Trombones LA CDs will be available for purchase at the concert for your gift-giving needs.
With thanks,
Bill Reichenbach
PS Here’s a pdf flier for this event – share with your friends and family, all are welcome!